Status on development and verification of reactivity initiated accident analysis code for PWR (NODAL3)

Peng Hong Liem1, Surian Pinem2, Tagor Malem Sembiring2, Hoai Nam Tran3
1 Nippon Advanced Information Service (NAIS Co., Inc.) 416 Muramatsu, Tokaimura, Ibaraki 319-1112, Japan
2 National Nuclear Energy Agency of Indonesia (BATAN), KawasanPuspiptek Gd. No. 80 Serpong, Tangerang Selatan 15310, Indonesia
3 Institute of Research and Development,Duy Tan University, K7/25 QuangTrung, Da Nang, Vietnam

Main Article Content


A coupled neutronics thermal-hydraulics code NODAL3 has been developed based on the nodal few-group neutron diffusion theory in 3-dimensional Cartesian geometry for a typical pressurized water reactor (PWR) static and transient analyses, especially for reactivity initiated accidents (RIA).The spatial variables are treated by using a polynomial nodal method (PNM) while for the neutron dynamic solver the adiabatic and improved quasi-static methods are adopted. A simple single channel thermal-hydraulics module and its steam table is implemented into the code. Verification works on static and transient benchmarks are being conducted to assess the accuracy of the code. For the static benchmark verification, the IAEA-2D, IAEA-3D, BIBLIS and KOEBERG light water reactor (LWR) benchmark problems were selected, while for the transient benchmark verification, the OECD NEACRP 3-D LWR Core Transient Benchmark and NEA-NSC 3-D/1-D PWR Core Transient Benchmark (Uncontrolled Withdrawal of Control Rods at Zero Power). Excellent agreement of the NODAL3 results with the reference solutions and other validated nodal codes was confirmed

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