Publication Criteria

1. Contents

Nuclear Science and Technology (NST) is one of the leading scientific journals of Vietnam. The goals of the journal are:

- Publish accurately and timely studies focused on 4 main areas: basic research, nuclear fuel and materials, nuclear energy and non-energy;
- Enhance the access opportunity to information of the community of scientific research and nuclear technology;
- Improve the transfer of science and technology information to serve the community of nuclear science research.
- Publish research results of researchers, scientists in the field of atomic energy.

2. Novelty and Originality

The journal does not accept papers that have been either published or accepted for publication, or are under consideration for publication elsewhere. Articles presenting new but obvious results, concealing too much substantial information of the research work described, and presenting only incremental progress of the work without producing any significant advancement in the field of atomic energy, will not be accepted for publication.

The journal may accept a paper that has appeared in a similar form in publications not available to the general public, such as conference books for onsite use, internal reports, and abstracts for international conferences. However, the author(s) must cite the previous publication in the reference section of the manuscript and must also provide at the time of manuscript submission a cover letter stating the previous publication with reprint(s) attached.

The use of material previously published in an abbreviated form, or in a letter journal or conference proceedings, can be permitted as a part of a new article to be published in NST, only if the new article presents significantly more detailed data and/or results, leading to a substantially improved understanding of the subject. An explicit note should be given when another work is cited in an article.

3. Confidentiality

All articles submitted for publication in the journal are given unbiased, objective assessment by peer review. Evaluation is given solely on its scientific contribution without regard to the race, gender, religion, or political belief of the author(s). All articles are treated as confidential until they are published.

4. Authors and coauthors

Authors of articles are not restricted to members of the Vietnam Atomic Energy Society (VAES) and Vietnam Atomic Energy Institute. All those who have made significant contributions to the research work may be listed as coauthors. When a manuscript has multiple authors, one of them should be designated as the corresponding author to receive and respond to correspondence from the editors. The corresponding author is responsible for representing all of the coauthors involved in the work. The designation of corresponding author can be changed by submitting a written application to the Editor–in Chief.

The submission of a manuscript indicates that the corresponding author certifies the following:

• The article represents original work of the listed authors.
• All the listed authors made significant scientific contributions to the research work reported, and agreed to submit the manuscript. All significant scientific contributors to the work were given the opportunity to be included as coauthors.
• The manuscript has neither been published nor submitted to other journals for publication.
• The authors accept the journal’s established manuscript review procedures.

5. References

Readers benefit from complete references to position the described work in the context of the current research. Moreover, it is vitally important to fully acknowledge all relevant works in view of the ethical policy of the journal. Authors should therefore ensure that their citations of previously published works are comprehensive at the time of submission. This includes references to books and to published conference proceedings containing abstracts. Authors may have to cite unpublished works such as preprints, internal reports, or results that have been reported orally at meetings. Any work that appears during the course of the review process should be added to the references. The authors should take particular care to ensure that the resource information is correct so that links to referenced articles can be made successfully.

6. Citation

Authors should not use, without attribution, text, concepts, data, figures or tables in another work published by others or by themselves. Plagiarism of others’ works and self-plagiarism are serious breaches of ethics and never permitted. If a direct quotation is appropriate, the original source should be properly cited. Figures, tables and other images reproduced from another source normally require the publisher’s permission. Articles violating this rule will be rejected.