Establishment of neutron dose calibration fields based on a ²⁵²Cf source by Monte-Carlo method

Hoang Van Nguyen1,2, Ho Huu Thang1, Tran Ngoc Toan3, Nguyen Xuan Hai1
1 Nuclear Research Institute
2 Hoang Nguyen Science & Technology Service Company, Ltd
3 Vietnam Atomic Energy Institute

Main Article Content


This paper presents calculation results based on Monte-Carlo method to select an appropriate neutron moderator and design four configurations for a 252Cf irradiation system. These configurations provide six neutron spectra with the various average energies (1.04 MeV, 1.38 MeV, 1.69 MeV, 2.05 MeV, 2.46 MeV and 2.93 MeV) suitable for the calibration of neutron survey meters and personal dosimeters.

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