Evaluation of slip ratio correlations in two-phase flow

Tran Thanh Tram 1,2,3, Hyun-Sik Park2,3
1 Nuclear Training Center, 140 Nguyen Tuan str. Thanh Xuan, Ha Noi, Viet Nam
2 University of Science and Technology, 217 Gajeong-ro, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon, 34113, Korea
3 Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute

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Critical flow is one of the essential parameters in LOCA accident analysis in which pressure difference is very high. Void fraction (α), in another term, slip ratio, s, is the key parameter that could affect critical flow prediction. Henry-Fauske (HF) model is the model for critical flow calculation existing in current computer codes such as MARS, RELAP, TRACE. However, the limitation of this model is slip ratio s=1. By modified the slip ratio correlation, the paper focuses on evaluating the HF model. Among the chosen correlations for slip ratio, Smith correlation is the best option for this purpose. The results in our paper showed that while the original Smith correlation with k=0.4 is suggested for horizontal tests, the modified one with k=0.2 could be applied for vertical tests.

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