Study of the compartmental modelling method on the basic non-reactive tank

Hieu Tran Trong1, Huong Huynh Thi Thu, Son Le Van, Quang Nguyen Huu

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The Compartment Model allows modeling the system flow to zones visually, in which each zone is characterized by a combination of basic mixing compartments. The localization of the flow zones, as well as the calculation of the volume zones and exchange rate between zones, was done based on the velocity field determined from the numerical simulation model. This study presents the results of applying the CM method to analyze the 2D basic non-reactive tank with dimensions of 100 cm x 100 cm x 10 cm and an inlet flow of about 3 - 6 L/min. The results show that the obtained CM model has 3 main flow zones including the convection zone, circulation zone and slow flow zone.  The results of comparing the tracer response curves from the CM model and experiment with the root-mean-square error below 0,11 allow confirming the established CM model.

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