Applying machine learning method in neutrons and gamma-rays identification according to their pulse shapes

Le Xuan Chung1, Vi Ho Phong2, Le Tuan Anh1, Nguyen Duc Ton1, Nguyen Hoang Phuc1, Bui Duy Linh1
1 Institute for Nuclear Science and Technology
2 Hanoi University of Science

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Neutrons and gamma-rays from a 152Cf source have been measured and separated based on the time of flight (TOF) technique. Their pulse shape characteristics measured by EJ-299-33 scintillator were used to train an artificial neural network (ANN) in a machine learning method. Afterward, the ANN was used to predict another set of pulse shape data to identify neutron and gamma-ray events. Comparing to the charge-comparison method, the ANN gave better identification. This result proves a potential application of machine learning method in the nuclear data analysis.

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