Neutronic design of a PWR fuel assembly with accident tolerant-composite for the long-life core

Hoang Van Khanh1, Viet Phu Tran2, Thi Dung Nguyen2
1 Institute for Nuclear Science and Technology (INST), Vietnam Atomic Energy Institute (VINATOM
2 Institute for Nuclear Science and Technology (INST), Vietnam Atomic Energy Institute (VINATOM)

Main Article Content


For the future of nuclear power, the design and development of an economical, accident tolerant fuel (ATF) for use in the current pressurized water reactors (PWRs) are highly desirable and essential. It is reported that the composite fuels are advantageous over the conventional UO2 fuel due to their higher thermal conductivities and higher uranium densities. Due to higher uranium densities of the composite fuels, the use of composite fuels would lead to the significant increase of discharged burnup, thereby enhancing fuel cycle economy compared to that of the UO2 fuel. The higher thermal conductivities of composite fuels will increase the fuel safety margins. For implementation of the accident tolerant fuel concept, this study also investigates on the replacement of the conventional Zircaloy-4 cladding with SiC to minimize the hydrogen production due to interaction of water with cladding at high temperatures. In the present work, neutronic investigation of the composite fuels for a PWR has been conducted in comparison with that of the conventional UO2 fuel. Numerical calculations have been performed based on a lattice model using the SRAC2006 system code and JENDL-4.0 data library. Various parameters have been surveyed for designing a fuel with the UO2 and composite fuels such as U-235 enrichment, fuel pin pitch. In order to reduce the excess reactivity, Erbium was selected as a burnable poison due to its good depletion performance. The temperature coefficients including fuel, coolant temperature reactivity coefficients, and both the small and large void reactivity coefficients are also investigated. It was found that it is possible to achieve sufficient criticality up to 100 GWd/t burnups without compromising the safety parameters including that four reactivity coefficients are considered those associated with the fuel temperature, coolant temperature, small (5%) void and large (90%) void. Further analysis of the performance of the UO2 and composite fuels in a full core model of a PWR is being conducted.

Article Details


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