Detector corrections for particle identification in SAMURAI spectrometer

Ton Nguyen Duc1, Linh Bui Duy2
1 Institute for Nuclear Science and Technology
2 Vietnam Agency for Radiation and Nuclear Safety

Main Article Content


Superconducting Analyzer for MUlti particles from Radio Isotope beams (SAMURAI) is an advanced spectrometer at RIKEN for experiments in which complete kinematic is determined to derive invariant-mass spectroscopy and parallel momentum distribution. This report represents the basic structure and technical advantages of SAMURAI, which was utilized in the third campaign of the “Shell Evolution An Search for Two-plus energies At RIBF” (SEASTAR3) project. Besides, particle identification corrections at the SAMURAI will be discussed. These corrections are a typical and crucial step in the data analysis process in SEATAR3 experiments. The particle identification results will be applied to analyze further a spectroscopic study on neutron-rich nuclei around N = 32, 34.

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Author Biography

Linh Bui Duy, Vietnam Agency for Radiation and Nuclear Safety

14th floor, 113 Tran Duy Hung, Cau Giay, Ha Noi


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