Simulation of gamma spectra from soil samples by using MCNP: A case study

An Trung Nguyen1, Hao Quang Nguyen2, Thi Thu Ha Nguyen2, Duc Thang Duong2
1 s:41:"Vietnam Atomic Energy Institute (VinAtom)";
2 Institute of Nuclear Science and Technology

Main Article Content


A comparison between the MCNP simulated gamma spectrums based on the nuclear data from NuDat with the current version 3.0 and Nucléide-Lara against measured spectra based on the IAEA reference samples has been performed to assess the influence of nuclear data of photon decay processes and cross-section of photon interactions on the quality of the simulated spectra. As the results, the appearance of some abnormal energy peaks; namely 215 keV, 571 keV, 675 keV, 1227 keV of the NuDat-based simulated spectra and 90 keV, 94 keV, 106 keV, 416 keV of the Nucléide-Lara-based simulated spectra, which were present in neither the measured spectrum nor remaining simulated spectra, indicating issues with accuracy and completeness of these dataset. In addition, the good correlation between the combined dataset-based simulated spectra and reference samples-based measured spectra within the range of 50 keV to 2620 keV suggests that this MCNP simulation configuration can be used to generate a large simulated dataset for Machine Learning (ML) models that automatically identify and qualify radioactive isotope from gamma-ray spectra, overcoming the practical limitation of number of reference samples to sufficiently generate data for training and testing ML algorithms in the field of environmental radiation [1].

Article Details

Author Biographies

Hao Quang Nguyen, Institute of Nuclear Science and Technology

179 Hoang Quoc Viet, Cau Giay Dist, Hanoi

Thi Thu Ha Nguyen, Institute of Nuclear Science and Technology

179 Hoang Quoc Viet, Cau Giay Dist, Hanoi

Duc Thang Duong, Institute of Nuclear Science and Technology

179 Hoang Quoc Viet, Cau Giay Dist, Hanoi


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