Calculation of neutronic characteristics in different reflector materials with a 15-MWt reactor core using VVR-KN fuel type

Bui Phuong Nam1, Huynh Ton Nghiem1, Nguyen Nhi Dien1, Le Vinh Vinh1
1 Nuclear Research Institute, 01 Nguyen Tu Luc Street, Dalat, Viet Nam

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VVR-KN is one of the low enriched fuel types intended for a research reactor of a new Centre for Nuclear Energy Science and Technology (CNEST) of Viet Nam. As a part of design orientation for the new research reactor, the calculations of neutronic characteristics in a reactor core reflector using different materials were carried out. The investigated core configuration is a 15-MWt power loaded with VVR-KN fuel assemblies and surrounded by a reflector using beryllium, heavy water or graphite respectively. MCNP5 code together with up-to-date nuclear data libraries were used for these calculations. This paper presents the calculation results of neutron energy spectrum, neutron spatial distribution in the reflector using the above-mentioned materials. Besides, neutronic characteristics calculated for silicon doping irradiation holes in the reflector are also presented and the utilization capabilities of different reflector materials are discussed.

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